
Exemption request from all or some of the debts and dues outstanding and payable to the State’s Treasury

Exemption request from all or some of the debts and dues outstanding and payable to the State’s Treasury


  1. The federal entity submits an exemption request to the Ministry of Finance, detailing the financial impact on the federal government’s revenues, along with preparing a memorandum using the approved template from the Council of Ministers and filling out the attached Form No. (18).
  2. The Government Revenue Management Department studies the exemption request, its justifications, and its impact on federal revenues. It then provides an opinion to the Ministry of Finance and submits a memorandum to the Council of Ministers regarding the exemption for the Council of Ministers to decide upon.
  3. The Council of Ministers approves the exemption request, the financial regulatory unit of the federal entity conducts the necessary financial and accounting adjustments to write off debts or dues.


No fees

Duration of service provision

25 working days

Target Audience

Government Sector

Responsible Department

General Revenue Department

Location of service provision

As per the procedures

Responsible Officer

Call Center 800533336

Requirements to get the service

Fulfilling the conditions for the exemption contained in the Minister of Finance Resolution No. (1) of 2011, which is to determine the financial impact of the federal government’s revenues and the justifications for the exemption

Required Documents

  1. Explanation of the justifications for exemptions and the financial impact on the revenues of the federal government.
  2. The documents requested by the Government Revenue Policies Section(Debt certificate – ID – Passport).

Dependent on other services

Yes (federal entities / ministries / authorities) and the esteemed Council of Ministers

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